Given the long delay in updating this site, you probably thought it was dead. Not yet anyway: we conducted a second session of CS790/657 Cloud Computing in the Fall 2023 semester. Here are a few highlights of the 2nd edition:
Another 41 Students
For the second time in a row, there were 41 students who engaged this challenge and completed the course. Given the hands-on nature of the course, this is a significant undertaking for everyone involved.
The Not Quite Trivial (NQT) Application
For Fall 2023, each student did four hands-on projects based on a new application we dubbed “Not Quite Trivial” (NQT). NQT is, well, not quite trivial – well beyond “Hello World”. Its architecture resembles quite a few service-based cloud applications. It allows users to capture image files off the internet, resize them, and store them in a personal image repository. Around this core function are typical requirements such as user authentication and mechanisms to support data storage and communication among the modules in the application. You can read more about the NQT application here:
Team Projects
There is no way to even come close to covering everything that 40+ students want to study about cloud computing in one 15-week semester. To allow students to tailor the course for their interests, we included a semester-long team project whereby each team selected their own area of study. At the end, each team wrote an article to document their work. The projects are pretty impressive, and you can read more about them here: