Overview: Azure Databricks is a simple, quick, and collaborative Apache Spark-based analytics platform. It boosts the innovation by bringing together data science, data engineering and business. Azure Databricks is a cloud-optimized version of Apache Spark that is one of the most powerful analytics platforms on the Azure Cloud. The topics…
Azure Data Factory
Azure data factory (adf) is a service provided by the Microsoft Azure which is used to transfer the data from one place to another place and preform ETL operations on the data. For example, adf is used to transfer data between one data store to another data store or transferring the data from on-premises to cloud. This can be achieved by creating pipelines.
Docker: How to Get Started with Containerization
Docker is a containerization tool that enables you to create, deploy, and run applications in isolated environments. This means that you can package an application with all its dependencies and ship it off to another machine without worrying about whether or not it will run properly.
Azure Blob Storage
Data storage is important to any cloud based project. Azure offers multiple solutions to solve any and all data related concerns. The main Storage Accounts being: File, Queue, Table, Disk and Blob. This article will delve into Blob Storage as well as instructions on creating your first Blob Storage account…
Hands-On Project 1: Cloud Computing Warmup
In this first project, you gain familiarity with the Azure and AWS portals, create a virtual machine, and more.
Welcome to UW-Milwaukee Cloud Computing
You’ve have just reached a new blog and resource website dedicated to sharing information and how-to’s for cloud computing, developed by the Computer Science community at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. The initial focus of the site is to present a series of hands-on projects, with detailed instructions on…