Team Asteroid is Vaishnavi Manikonda, Nathan Leverence, Michael Hangsterfer, and Anthony Alagna.
Forbes, Ernst & Young, Wired agree on one thing: data is the new gold. The need for data has spurred innovations in data engineering (i.e. Snowflake, Kafka, Airflow, etc.) working to get data into a usable format in the least expensive way possible. We wanted to create a project that leveraged common data engineering tools in order to build a useful web application. With this idea we decided to use a common data engineering stack, AWS S3, RDS, Lambda, EventBridge, and StepFunctions to display how you can inexpensively get data into a usable format to power a web application. This displays how clean data powers not only data analysis but other use cases as well. The project pulls from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory API for electric vehicle fuel stations. We then use a front end to prompt the user for a zip code and display the locations and addresses of charging stations located in the zip code. This is done with a web application built in React which leverages Google Maps API.